W1 Taekwondo

In today's video, we're doing a martial arts footwork workout that can be done anywhere! All you need is tape. Place the tape on the ground in a + pattern and follow along with our workout. This will increase your foot and movement speed, which is highly important in any sport or martial art. Be sure to take breaks and drink enough water!

Exercise Guide:
All you need for is this workout is tape, a watch and some floor space. Set your tape in a cross. Each exercise should be performed for 30 seconds - 15 seconds each side where it applies.

Feel free to take 30 seconds - 1 minute break between exercises if it gets too intense for you. 

See full list of exercises at the end of the video.

Have fun!

#1 Shuffle | 30 seconds 
#2 360 Shuffle | 15 seconds each direction
#3 One Foot Jump Zig-Zag | 15 seconds each side
#4 Slide In + Slide Out | 15 seconds each side
#5 Angle Slide | 15 seconds each side
#6 Slide In + Slide Out + Angle | 15 seconds each side

#7 Step In, Step Out | 15 seconds each side
#8 Slide + Step In, Slide + Step Out | 15 seconds each side
#9 Slide In + Switch + Switch + Angle | 15 seconds each side
#10 Directional Chambering | 15 seconds each side

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